Tuesday, February 12, 2008

This I Beilieve...

I believe that you have to depend on other people. From the time I was born, I've been dependant on other people. Without my parents, I would have not survived. Nobody would. Now that I'm older, I still depend on other people. I depend on the people in the cafeteria to make food so that I can eat. I depend on my teachers to educate me. I depend on my friends to keep me company and keep me happy.
When I first started sixth grade, I wanted to believe that I was the only person that I needed. That I could live by myself, without anybody else's help. It was at this time that I noticed how much I really needed other people. The first day I told my mom I wanted to do everything on my own, she didn't iron my clothes before school or make me lunch. She didn't even wake me up for school. When I woke up 45 minutes late and missed the bus, she got angry with me. When I tried to leave the house in wrinkley clothes, she got mad at me. When I tried to get in the car without a lunch, she got mad at me. I ended up not even going to school that day because by the time I got all of that done, both of my parents were at work. While I enjoyed staying home, I didn't enjoy the talk I had with my parents that night at dinner.
From that point on, I started looking for the little things that people do. The things that most people don't notice because they're expected. The things we depend on people to do so that we can get through the day. And I thanked them everey chance I got. In reality, without other people to help us and guide us, we wouldn't be able to survive.

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