Monday, February 4, 2008

Gilmour Academy Lower School

The trip to Gilmour Academy Lower School was a fun and an overall great learning experience. I was amazed at how well disciplined the students were. In such an open environment I would expect children of that age to have a hard time focusing. I know I would. What was even more impressive about the students was that even though they knew we were there, they stayed on task and did their respective assignments. The sixth grade Humanities class was, by far, the most diligent group of sixth graders I’ve ever seen. They have been working on a research paper since October and I was amazed at the tremendous amount of research each student had done. They had binders full of internet print-outs, each one highlighted with important facts. I was also impressed with the smart boards that were touch responsive. I’ve never seen something like that in a class before so that alone tells me how much of an advantage these young students receive at Gilmour.

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