Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I learned that friends and family are the best things in life. Without them, I would be miserable. I think that you can never run out of family because friends turn to family. I have friends that I know I could count on ifI ever needed anything. I have friends that go to my house and have dinner with my parents while I'm here in Cleveland, so my parents won't miss me so much. I have friends that text me everyday to make sure I'm doing okay with all the changes up here. I have friends that will drive two hours to pick me up in Orlando when I get home for a break just so I won't have to wait the extra thirty minutes it would take if my parents drove. I have friends who send me food because they think I'm a "starving college student". I have friends that I would do anything for and would do the same for me. These friends are my all part of my family.

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