Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Read and Respond

I can tell immediately that Draper is a talented writer. I’m a little lost on what to write about because I didn’t make it to the first class and was unprepared. We went over questions that we wanted to know in class. Among them were things such as what defines a good teacher and what might be a proper relationship with a student. It seemed to me that everybody’s favorite teacher was the one that you could talk to about anything, but at the same time was able to be serious and teach. For me, it was the same. My favorite teacher was a Physical Education teacher and a football coach so we were connected on that level. I’m excited to visit Gilmour because I’ve never been to a school in Ohio other a few colleges. This whole blogging deal is pretty new to me too so this should be pretty fun as well.

1 comment:

David Shutkin said...

Dear Jacob,

Your weblog is a place for you to express your thoughts and reflections about course readings, discussions and observations that you make this semester.

Thank you for your first blog post and welcome to class.